
Are You Willing to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone?

by Kacey Randolph

Do you know what it is like to be outside of your comfort zone?   I am naturally a people watcher, I would rather help hold up a wall or hang out in a corner than be the center of attention. I certainly am not one to ASK to speak to a few hundred people on a Sunday morning. God sees me differently though. He wants to use me in a way where He knows I will be completely dependent on Him to complete the task – unless I want to fail miserably, trip over my own two feet and fall flat on my face. All of which I was convinced was going to happen before I even started speaking.

Thankfully, the exhortation went well and there was no failure or  tripping up or down the steps. God accomplished something on Sunday morning through me and my words that He set out to do. I relied completely on Him to use me according to His Will for that morning. But isn’t that how we should operate EVERY morning? EVERY day? Whether our audience is a few hundred or two? I have a target audience every daymy family. Am I relying on God to deliver His message through me every day in every action? In every word spoken?

The truth is, I am sure we all have areas where we could improve to seek His counsel first. My heart is to be fully submitted to Him at all times, but do I let the frustration of the day overpower the words I use? Am I impatient and intolerant when I tell my boys for the 150th time to “put the seat down” or not slam the Hot Wheels into the baseboards? Or tell my daughter to pick her clothes up off of the floor? The answer is yes. While I know it is important to train my children and teach them to be good stewards of what we have, I could certainly at times, choose a better tone in which the message is delivered.

Its all about knowing when to take our own time out and pause, and reflect on the responsibility we have in the delivery of our message. The delivery of the message is just as important as the content of the message. If the delivery isn’t right – the message may be lost.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT

When you feel yourself begin to get distracted or frustrated, remember to pause and reflect – seek Him first – He will direct your actions and your words if you rely completely on Him to do so.

Where are there areas that you can rely completely on Him to deliver His message through you? How will you respond to the call?


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Kacey is a Jesus loving Wife and Mom of three – Ryder – 7 yrs. old, and twins Lincoln & Ruby Jane – 5yrs. old. When she is not managing her family she can be found coaching a women’s discipleship group, writing, and photographing other wonderful families or with her nose in a book or blog. Kacey believes that joy is found in all of the small things that our day has to offer – a prayer, a bear hug from her kids, a quiet five minutes, and of course chocolate. You can find out more about Kacey and her family on her blog Chronicles of a Mommy.




1 reply
  1. Monica Robertson
    Monica Robertson says:

    So true Kacey. How many times have I thought back and wondered, “It’s not WHAT I just said that was so bad, but HOW I said it.” If only we could master the attitude, our altitude would increase. Selah.

    Great post. Love you girlfriend.


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