Your Peace

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross” Colossians 1:19-20 NIV.”

Does your life ever feel a bit chaotic? Your morning is just not going well. You feel some tension with your husband. The baby is crying, you are trying to get out of the door to take the kids to school, your husband can’t find his brief case…. Does this sound familiar? Every home can be a pressure cooker. And you can be the one who is about ready to blow your lid. In moments like this stop, breath, and begin to expect the peace of God to take control of your emotions.  Do not just react to the stress of the environment, change the environment it self with an infusion with peace that comes from God.

Impossible you say.  Yes it is, without God.  But with God nothing is impossible.  Begin to ask Him for a solution for your morning routine and your daily responsibilities.  Relying totally on Him for the details of your life can bring you His peace.

The peace that Christ made through His shed blood is an eternal peace.  The peace of Christ is eternally yours. Don’t get caught up in things that don’t matter for eternity.  Let His peace rule in your mind, heart, will and emotions. Remember, He is the One who has the whole world in His hands.  You can trust Him to be your peace.


Me First?

Do your children always want to be first?

Even little baby’s learn to say “mine” and toddlers say “Me First”. Kindergarten students want to be the line leader.  But truly there is only One who was created to be first.

Colossians 1:17,18 declares that Jesus is “before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

Just let a group of people come together with the mindset of “me first” and see the anarchy that makes things fall apart.  What holds things together is seeing Jesus as the head of the church.  You can apply that in your home, by putting Christ first in every part of your life.  If you do, you will have peace and order.



Your All

He is the image of the Invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For by Him all things were created things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him” Colossians 1:15-16 NIV.

Do you ever wish you could actually see God?

Jesus is the image of the Invisible God… all things were created by Him and for Him.  Although you can’t go to facebook and see a recent picture of Jesus, you can see people living for Jesus in their daily lives.  You can see Christians partnering in marriage and raising kids for the glory of God. These unsung hero’s have made Jesus their all.  Open your eyes to see the life of God lived out every day by His body, the church.

Make Jesus Christ Your All


Your Redemption

“…in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14).

Do you want to be completely out of debt?

Are you kidding? Everyone in the United States and around the globe would like to be out of debt. There is so much pain that people have experienced because of debt. Just think of the relief that you would feel if all your financial debts were wiped away… Well, there is something much more costly than financial debt. That is the debt of sin that mankind owes the Eternal One.

Jesus is the only One who was able to pay a debt for you that you could not pay, the forgiveness of your sins.  To redeem is to cancel your debt: He bought you back and brought you back from the enemy of your soul.  Jesus will not only get you out of the pit you were in He will get rid of your sins that you are doomed to repeat.  If you are tired of your old life, let Jesus into every one of your life moments.  He makes all things new.

Get out of Debt…

Turn to Jesus as your redeemer.


Your Rescue

“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” Colossians 1:13.

Do you have feel trapped in your circumstances?

Even though you may feel trapped, if you turn to Jesus Christ, He will rescue you from the control of darkness.  No matter how deep, or dark, or dull your pit feels, His light overcomes all darkness.  His light overcomes depression, financial difficulties, lost jobs, broken relationships, fear, trauma.   He will not only get you out of your pit, He will place you into a family, the body of Christ, who can help you heal and become whole.

Jesus Christ is your rescue.



Information on Podcast

Daily Podcast: You need encouragement every day.

This short podcast will encourage and strengthen you. It will help equip you to embrace your call as a mom.  Take a moment today to focus on God and receive His empowerment to be the best mom in the world for you kids — with God’s help!

Daily Encouragement Each day you will be encouraged by Sue Detweiler’s genuine, honest, and transparent Biblical view of how to walk out daily life focused on the Word of God and walking in your calling as a mom.  These short meditations will empower you to remain purposeful in your intimate walk with God and your family.

Focus:Each daily podcast is anchored on a biblical text.

      • April 30 – June 8 2012 – Colossians: Keep Christ first in your life.
      • June11 – July 2012 – Ephesians: Know who you are in Christ.
      • August 2012 – Philippians: Find real joy in your life.


Weekend Podcast

Join Sue each weekend as she interviews women with real life issues. You will enjoy Sue’s candid style as she talks with women who have walked through trials and have found help for every issue of their lives by following Jesus on a daily basis and living in vital Christian community. Don’t walk things out alone, you can walk with others who care, understand and encourage you in your journey.  This weekend edition of Christian MomTalk is 30 minutes long so putting on your headset and your gym shoes and take a weekend walk as you listen to these stories of overcoming moms.
