
Every Mom Can Overcome Negative Thoughts and Irrational Feelings

Have you every wish that you could push a reprogram button at the back of your head that would immediately erase every negative thought, calm every irrational feeling and free you from every sin pattern in your life?  Instead every mom that I know has unresolved issues that pop up at the most inconvenient times. If you thought you were the only one that still struggles you can rest assured that you are a part of a big company of people – called the human race.

The Day I realized I had an anger issue… Fall 1993

Tormenting thoughts battled in my mind as I drove to Saturday night worship.

“I’m the worst mom in the world…

“I can’t believe I blew it again…

“I hate life…

My knuckles were white as I gripped the steering wheel tightly. Strapped in back were two carseats. Tears streamed down my face and were reflected in the eyes of my three year old and one year old. Another baby girl was growing inside my belly and was strapped in by my seatbelt.

The conversation continued in my brain.

“What am I thinking- trying to be a mother…

“They don’t deserve this..


The last question seemed to bounce off the soiled ceiling of my minivan. Somehow I maneuvered into a parking place and carried the car seat and too tightly squeezed the fingers of my oldest daughter as we walked into the church. After signing them in childcare, I breathed a sigh of relief.

I don’t think I heard the sermon that night. I just remembered communion. That is when I really began to sob as my screaming tirades flashed back in my mind.  Now my hands shook as I held a communion cup.

The fight intensified in my mind.

“Who do you think you are?

“You hypocrite…”

“You will never change…”

This last thought was interrupted by the pastor speaking from the pulpit. “I believe there are some of you who have believed a lie that you can’t change. The truth is that Jesus blood has paid the price for your sin and He has delivered you out of darkness. You are free – You just need to believe it, receive it, and act on it.”

It sounded so simple, so why was I so bound? The turmoil within me began to bubble up then calm as though the toxic thoughts had finally been neutralized by the truth of God’s word.

A new phrase began to take shape in my mind. It was an entirely different thought. In fact, it felt like a whisper from heaven that I was finally listening to.

“You are the best mom in the world for your children….”

“You have been called and chosen for the task of being a mom…”

“I will help you become the best mom for them…

Hope began to fill the deepest recess of my soul. For so long I had floundered under the  fog of the enemies torment that these words were like beams of sunshine bringing a multifaceted rainbow of His promise. His personal promise TO ME!

HE HEARD MY CRIES and His transformation is what has fueled my hope to be able to help other moms who have their own moments of hidden desperation. I hope to hear from you – I would love to hear your stories of pain, triumph and trivia of being a mom. Check back here tomorrow when I talk about some ways to replace your anger with His love.

3 Things Every Mom Needs by Sue Detweiler

Have you every wondered if you were all alone… If you were the only mom with issues?

Let’s set the record strait. Every mom since Eve has sinned against her sons and daughters. Even Mary the mother of Jesus lost it when she didn’t know where Jesus was (Luke 2:41-50). She is the only mother who ever had a perfect son and she was still anxious about him. Every mom has issues.

Every mom needs a safe place .

Every mom needs a safe place to talk about the real issues she is facing without feeling like as soon as she opens up and shares that she will be judged as a “bad mom.” We need others to come along side us and cheer us on as moms even when we feel like we aren’t going to make it.

Every mom needs encouragement.

You need to know that the meaning of your life is not measured by the sum total of the mundane moments and monotonous tasks of motherhood. You need to know not only that what you are doing has a purpose, but you need a fresh experience of God’s presence on your ordinary hectic days.

Every mom needs a friend.

We all need friends. Not the kind of friends that have it all together in their picture perfect homes with their fashion ready model children. No, you need friends who will be honest with their own struggles so that you can cheer each other on to cross the finish line of being faithful to God with your call.

My daughter came to me in tears one night. She had been home-schooled through the eighth grade and now she was going into high school and trying out for the soccer team. “Mom, we have to run the mile tomorrow. It’s my last chance to make the team.”

“What do you want me to do? Do you want me to come to practice? She nodded her head as she wiped her tears.

The next day I showed up beside the track and smiled at my daughter as she prepared to run. As she came around the track for her final lap, I listened to the coach calling out the time, and I knew she wasn’t going to make it. What was I going to do?

I dropped my purse and sprinted across the center of the football field to the other side of the track where my daughter was making slow progress. I put my hand on her back and said, “YOU CAN DO IT!” Immediately, she picked up the pace and ran to the finish line with fresh energy. Everyone cheered, and she made the team!

That is what I want to do for you in this blog. I want to be a friend that lays down her life like a bridge so you can sense God’s encouragement. I want you to feel the hand of God Himself on your back, running alongside you, saying, “You can do this! You can be the best mom in the world for your child, with My help.”

If you are tired of being alone, let’s walk down this freedom path together. If you have ever wondered if you can ever really change, if you have wondered if you could ever overcome the issues that you face, if you have wondered if you were all alone, if you have ever wondered if the fruit of God’s Spirit could really change you, then you will find healing and hope from your sisters.

Join the Journey

Welcome to a life-giving journey where it is safe for you to be honest, transparent, and real about the areas in your own life that are holding you back from abundant fruit in your life and the life of your family. Let us traverse with the expectancy that God still works in the imperfect details of our lives. Let Him touch the hidden places of your heart and help you discover the joy of walking with Him.

Go ahead and believe that He can take your worst and replace it with His best.




3 Things Every Mom Needs by Sue Detweiler


Have you every wondered if you were all alone… If you were the only mom with issues?

Let’s set the record strait. Every mom since Eve has sinned against her sons and daughters. Even Mary the mother of Jesus lost it when she didn’t know where Jesus was (Luke 2:41-50). She is the only mother who ever had a perfect son and she was still anxious about him. Every mom has issues.

Every mom needs a safe place .

Every mom needs a safe place to talk about the real issues she is facing without feeling like as soon as she opens up and shares that she will be judged as a “bad mom.” We need others to come along side us and cheer us on as moms even when we feel like we aren’t going to make it.

Every mom needs encouragement.

You need to know that the meaning of your life is not measured by the sum total of the mundane moments and monotonous tasks of motherhood. You need to know not only that what you are doing has a purpose, but you need a fresh experience of God’s presence on your ordinary hectic days.

Every mom needs friends.

We all need friends. Not the kind of friends that have it all together in their picture perfect homes with their fashion ready model children. No, you need friends who will be honest with their own struggles so that you can cheer each other on to cross the finish line of being faithful to God with your call.

My daughter came to me in tears one night. She had been home-schooled through the eighth grade and now she was going into high school and trying out for the soccer team. “Mom, we have to run the mile tomorrow. It’s my last chance to make the team.”

“What do you want me to do? Do you want me to come to practice?” She nodded her head as she wiped her tears.

The next day I showed up beside the track and smiled at my daughter as she prepared to run. As she came around the track for her final lap, I listened to the coach calling out the time, and I knew she wasn’t going to make it. I dropped my purse and sprinted across the center of the football field to the other side of the track where my daughter was making slow progress.

I put my hand on her back and said, “YOU CAN DO IT!” Immediately, she picked up the pace and ran to the finish line with fresh energy. Everyone cheered, and she made the team!

That is what I want to do for you in this blog. I want to be a friend that lays down her life like a bridge so you can sense God’s encouragement.  I want you to feel the hand of God Himself on your back, running alongside you, saying, “You can do this! You can be the best mom in the world for your child, with My help.”

If you are tired of being alone,  let’s walk down this freedom path together. If you have ever wondered if you can ever really change, if you have wondered if you could ever overcome the issues that you face, if you have wondered if you were all alone, if you have ever wondered if the fruit of God’s Spirit could really change you, then you will find healing and hope from your sisters.

 Join the Journey

Welcome to a life-giving journey where it is safe for you to be honest, transparent, and real about the areas in your own life that are holding you back from abundant fruit in your life and the life of your family.  Let us traverse with the expectancy that God still works in the imperfect details of our lives. Let Him touch the hidden places of your heart and help you discover the joy of walking with Him. Go ahead and believe that He can take your worst and replace it with His best.






Finding a Safe Place by Sue Detweiler


Finding a Safe Place

When my four daughters were younger I made up a cheer that we would say at different times: “2, 4, 6, 8 who do you appreciate? Momma, momma she’s so great!” Of course we would cheer for the different children by name – but I had my own cheerleaders who gave hugs, kisses, and smiles. I actually felt like a good mom back then.

If we, as mothers, are not careful, we can begin to find our identity in our kids and their behavior. The behavior of your children is not the measure of your value and worth as a person.

A typical book on parenting includes a step by step guide on how to discipline your children. Often, the underlining promise is if one parents “by the book,” the results are perfect children and a predicament-free family.

The problem is that every child has choice, and you and I can’t control what our children choose. We also live in a problem-filled world where stuff happens. God is the only perfect father. He put His children in a perfect garden and still they chose to rebel. In fact we are still dealing with Eve’s choices today. She was the first mom who really had issues.

If you are following this blog, I hope it is because you want to be the most life-giving parent that you can be. You want to realize your God-given calling as a mom. That result is going to take more than a list of “do’s and don’ts.”

As we begin this journey together, tell me about yourself, your kids, your life. Let’s make this a safe place.