Naming your Child

Sue Detweiler: The first day that I met minister Tamyra and her husband pastor Eric, they shared with me their desire to have children. I love to agree in prayer for those desiring to conceive so I grabbed a bottle of oil and I anointed Tamyra and prayed with them. I am rejoicing with them as they are expecting Selah Rose this spring. This is a unique name so I asked Tamyra to share how they chose this name.

Tamyra Morris: “The Bible says in Proverbs 22:1, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold.” A good name is to be chosen, not just given. As parents we have been given the great privilege to choose our daughter’s name. And not just any name, but a good name. A God inspired name. A God given name. A name that means something and stands for something. A name that has Biblical meaning. How exciting, right? And because of this great responsibility, we have been pondering our children’s names for years and had our daughter’s name chosen a year or so before she was ever conceived. And I must say that it was definitely God given and God inspired. The meaning of her name brings our hearts great joy.

The word Selah means, “To pause and calmly think about that.” Biblically speaking, when we see the word Selah in a Psalm or in Habakkuk 3, we should pause to carefully weigh the meaning of what we have just read or heard, lifting up our hearts in praise to God for His great truths. (See Psalm 66:4)

The word Rose is referred to the flower known not only for its exceptional beauty and fragrance, but also as an enduring symbol of love. In essence, when we look at our daughter Selah or even call her name, we will be reminded to pause and think about the goodness of the Lord and praise Him!

We praise and thank God for this wonderful blessing that we will soon meet face to face in the months to come. My husband and I are both honored to have been given the task to choose her name, but more importantly, to be chosen to be her parents. We look forward to the weeks, months and years ahead to share with her and be reminded of the goodness of God each day.


Tamyra Morris        

Minister Tamyra and her husband Pastor Eric Morris lead the G Phi Nation youth ministry at Faith Life Church. With a warm smile and a winning personality Tamyra brings warmth and love on a weekly basis to the youth. Tamyra and Eric are expecting their first daughter Selah Rose in the Spring of 2013. 

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Does God care?

by Christi Cole

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy.” ~Psalm 126:5

Does God care that I am hurting this much?  Does He care enough to remove my reproach? I asked that question a hundred times in the months following the loss of our baby boy, Micah—a loss that rocked me to the core. During the subsequent deployment of my husband, Jeff, to Iraq, I continued to grapple with questions about God’s concern for my suffering in the most dry, barren place I have ever experienced. Read more